Advanced Soft Starter for RVs


Thank you for choosing the SoftStartUp Soft Starter. These directions will help you get the most out of your new product.


SoftStartUp is simple and easy to use. It operates on a 50-amp or 30-amp power source. Typically for an RVer, that is a campground pedestal or a generator/ inverter. Use the complimentary 30-amp adapter if needed.

The SoftStartUp product should be plugged into the power source directly unless you have an RV Surge Pro or Watchdog or similar surge protector. In that case, plug the surge protector into the pedestal/generator FIRST, then plug the SoftStartUp into the surge protector. Only use extension cords FROM the RV to the SoftStartUp, NOT from the SoftStartUp to the power source. Plug the SoftStartUp unit directly into the power source or, into the surge protector if one is
being used.



NOTE: If using a surge protector, plug the surge protector into the power supply first, then plug the SoftStartUp into the surge protector.


Both LEDs turn on for 3 seconds, then both turn off.  Then the active circuit(s) will turn on.

Left Light Flashing: 30-amp power
Both Lights Flashing: 50-amp power
Steady Light: Incoming Power Issue
(Refer to for details)

Plug the RV power cord into the SoftStartUp receptacle.


  1. This SoftStartUp has been extensively tested to do the following:
  2. Start 2 A/Cs on a 30-amp or 50-amp power pole
  3. Start 2 A/Cs on a 3000-watt generator
  4. Start 2 A/Cs on parallel 2200-watt generators
  5. Start 1 A/C on a 2200-watt generator
  6. Start 1 A/C on a 20-amp household circuit
  7. Your results may vary depending on your power source and current running appliances. For example, with everything turned off in your RV, is your battery charger still running? This consumes a few watts too. Then there’s the refrigerator, and we all need to run our microwave oven. Power management is key. You may have to turn off one A/C to start your microwave oven.
  8. The SoftStartUp will monitor your power source and adjust automatically if it senses a microwave oven needs to start.
  9. The SoftStartUp will help any A/C compressor get started. Typically, the rooftop A/C requires 50 to 70 amps just to start up. After a couple of seconds, it settles back to run at around 10 to 13 amps. These high starting amps are why it is difficult to crank up a typical A/C on low power.  
  10. A 13.5K BTU A/C unit is even more difficult to start than a 15K BTU. Why? The 13.5K A/C compressors typically do not have start capacitors in them.  So they need a little extra “push” to get started. The SoftStartUp provides this extra push – but not in all combinations. You may need to adjust some things depending on your power source if you have 13.5K BTU A/Cs or combinations with both a 15K BTU A/C and a 13.5K BTU A/C.
  11. The SoftStartUp reduces the start-up amps from up to 70 amps to just about 35 amps (nearly a 50% reduction). After the A/C has started, the SoftStartUp monitors the current. It does NOT add to the running current of the A/C. That additional power must come from the generator, pedestal or power source.
  12. A/C running amps are typically 10 to 13 amps. If you have more than one A/C, you need a generator that is capable of higher running amps. The SoftStartUp may START all your A/Cs, but if the draw on your generator is greater than its capacity (10-13 running amps per A/C), then the A/C may start and then cut out. Or the generator will cut out – or the breaker will trip. No worries. This is not the fault of the SoftStartUp. It is doing its job. You need a more capable power source/generator. Typically, a 30-amp campground hookup will run 2 A/Cs after you get them both started by using a SoftStartUp.
  13. If you are using a 2200-watt generator, it may have a 30-amp power outlet built in. Using the SoftStartUp should get both A/Cs started and allow both A/Cs to run – but it MAY NOT if the generator is set to an ECO Mode.
  14. If you are connected to a residential 110V outlet with the adapter socket, using the SoftStartUp should allow you to start and run an RV A/C.



  • If cleaning is required, simply unplug the SoftStartUp from the power source and use a dry cloth to wipe the unit housing and cables. 
  • Do not place the SoftStartUp near heat sources such as stoves, grills, or open fires.
  • The product is designed to operate up to 122º F (50º C). 
  • IMPORTANT: The SoftStartUp product should be plugged into the power source directly. Only use extension cords FROM the RV to the SoftStartUp, NOT from the SoftStartUp to the power source. Plug the
    SoftStartUp unit directly into the power source. This way it can better monitor any possible current surges.
  • Do not submerge the unit in water or other liquids.
  • The SoftStartUp should be repaired or replaced if any of the following occur: 
  1. Power plugs are damaged. 
  2. Failure to operate normally. 
  3. The outer housing is damaged or broken.
  • To avoid risk of electric shock or fire, do not attempt to open or alter the unit in any way. 
  • There are no user serviceable parts inside this unit. Removing the cover will void the warranty.


If you need to contact Technical Support,
go to https://


  1. How do I know if the unit is working?  
  2. The green lamp (30 amp) – or both lamps (50 amp) will be flashing. That shows power is coming to the unit. Turn on your A/C and it should start.
  3. What voltage does it work on?
  4. 110 volts AC and 220 volts AC.
  5. What is the amperage?
  6. Up to 50 amps (see chart)
  7. How many A/Cs will it work on?
    A. It depends on your generator or pedestal power. It may START up to 3 A/Cs but one of them may cut out after starting due to the running amps needed to operate the A/Cs. Typically, 10 to 13 amps to run each A/C is required from your generator or power pole.
  8. Will the SoftStartUp work on household power (110V 15A)?
  9. Yes. Again, it depends on how many A/C units you want to have on at any one time. The RUNNING AMPS are the determining factor. The SoftStartUp will start the A/C unit. One or more may cut out due to insufficient running amps. Typically, 2 A/Cs should operate on household power. Use a 15-amp adapter plug (not provided).
  10. Is the SoftStartUp covered under Warranty?
  11. Yes, for one year. 
  12. What appliances can I run simultaneously?
  13. To calculate the RV appliances you want to run, use this formula:  Amps x Volts = Watts (use with Power Consumption Guide, below)

Shown below is a general RV Appliance Power Consumption Guide. Each appliance brand may be different. Review individual appliance data for exact amps/watts.




Running Watts

AC Compressor            

8.5 to 11.2  

980 to 1300 *

AC Fan                               

2 to 3.5  

230 to 400 *


5 to 7

575 to 800 *


4 to 12

460 to 1400 *

Water Heater                  

9 to 13

1000 to 1500 *


6 to 10.5  

700 to 1200 *

Hair Dryer                       

13 to 17

1500 to 2000 *


5 to 10.5

600 to 1200 *

TV (50”) 

1 to 2

113 to 200 *


5 to 6

300 to 400 *

Coffee Maker

5 to 8    

300 to 600 *

Laptop Computer

2 to 3

230 to 350 *

*  Review the Amps/Watts you have available vs. the Amps/Watts of the appliances you want to operate. For example, if your A/C compressor is running 1300 watts and you have a 2200-watt generator that RUNS at 1900 watts, then you have only 600 watts available with your A/C running on 1300 watts


A 2200-watt generator normally provides about 1900 running watts (some generator labels are “excessive” in their stated power).

Heat increases the amps/watts of some appliances and decreases the performance of your generator.

Extension cord length and wire size affect the amps/watts – the shorter the cord and larger the wire size, the better.

Altitude decreases generator efficiency by an estimated 3.5% per 1000’ of elevation. (If you’re at 6,000 feet you lose approx. 20% of power from your generator.)

Fuel source affects generator efficiency (propane = less efficiency; gasoline = more efficiency).


Arbitration Agreement



This Arbitration Agreement (“Agreement”) shall govern the manner by which any claims regarding the product(s) you purchase from us shall be resolved.  This Agreement sets forth important legal rights. Please read this Agreement carefully.

By ordering a product from us, you understand and agree that any dispute between us concerning such product shall be settled by binding individual arbitration in accordance with the terms of this agreement, and as such, you waive your rights to a jury trial. You also waive your right to participate in or represent a class of consumers in such disputes. If you do not agree with these terms, you must return the product within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the product.

  1. Resolution by Binding Arbitration.  Any claim and dispute between you and us, or any of our subsidiaries or affiliates or resellers, arising out of or relating in any way to the Product or this Agreement shall be resolved through final, binding arbitration.  This arbitration obligation applies regardless of whether the claim or dispute involves a tort, fraud, misrepresentation, product liability, negligence, violation of a statute, or any other legal theory. You specifically acknowledge and agree that you waive your right to bring a lawsuit based on such claims or disputes and to have such lawsuit resolved by a judge or jury.
  2. Waiver of Class Participation.  All arbitrations under this Agreement shall be conducted on an individual (and not a class-wide) basis and an arbitrator shall have no authority to award class-wide relief. You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement specifically prohibits you from commencing arbitration proceedings as a representative of others or joining in any arbitration proceedings brought by any other person. You also acknowledge and agree that you are giving up your right to serve as a representative, as a private attorney general, or in any other representative capacity, and/or to participate as a member of a class of claimants in any lawsuit filed against us and/or related third parties.
  3. Arbitration Procedures.  A. Before commencing any arbitration proceedings under this Agreement, you must first represent the claim or dispute to us by emailing our representative at and providing all requested information.  You may be required to provide us with a written statement setting forth the nature of your claim or dispute. We shall have forty-five (45) days from the receipt of such email (or written statement) to resolve such claim or dispute (“Resolution Period”).  If your claim or dispute is not resolved within the Resolution Period, you may commence arbitration proceedings in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. B. The arbitration of any claim or dispute under this Agreement shall be conducted pursuant to the American Arbitrations Association’s (“AAA”) United States Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes. These rules and procedures are available by calling the AAA or visiting its website at:  C. The arbitrator shall not conduct class arbitration; that is, the arbitrator shall not allow you to serve as a representative, as a private attorney general, or in any representative capacity for others in the arbitration.  D. The arbitration of any claim or dispute under this Agreement shall be conducted in Broward County in the State of Florida. 
  4. Costs.  All administrative expenses of the arbitration proceedings commenced under this Agreement shall be as follows:
  5. If the claim or dispute that is the subject of the arbitration proceedings is less than five thousand dollars (US $5,000), your financial responsibility for the administrative costs shall not exceed one hundred dollars (US $100).  B. If the claim or dispute that is the subject of the arbitration proceedings is between five thousand dollars (US $5,000) and fifty thousand dollars (US $50,000), your financial responsibility for the administrative costs shall not exceed three hundred dollars (US $300).  C. If the claim or dispute that is the subject of the arbitration proceedings exceeds fifty thousand dollars (US $50,000), your financial responsibility for the administrative costs shall be in accordance with the Commercial Fee Schedule provided by the AAA. D. Each party shall pay the fees and costs of its own counsel, experts and witnesses.
  6. Small Claims. If the claim is within the jurisdiction of a small claims court, either party may choose to take the claim to that court instead of arbitration.  Any dispute that cannot be adjudicated within the jurisdiction of a small claims tribunal shall be resolved by binding arbitration as described in and in accordance with, the terms of this Agreement. Any appeal of a judgment from a small claims tribunal shall be resolved by binding arbitration under the terms of this Agreement.
  7. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared or found to be unlawful, unenforceable or void, such provision will be ineffective only to the extent that it is found unlawful, unenforceable or void; and the remainder of the provision and all other provisions shall remain fully enforceable.

unenforceable or void; and the remainder of the provision and all other provisions shall remain fully enforceable.


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